
Not only we wreck cars but we offer mechanical and auto-electric services, we’re more than your run-of-the-mill car wrecker. And it’s because we’ve never taken our customers for granted that we continue to be gifted cars, trucks, utes and vans for wrecking. Our customers are our family, so become the newest addition today.

We don’t just sell engine parts, we build and fit them for you, right here on site. It’s out of respect for a client base we’re nothing without. We’re Waterloo Wreckers, Burton’s best for car parts.

If you’re after an oil change but are also interested in engines from our inventory, we’ll do our utmost to help you as far as we can.

While we may be local, our name is known across both state and country. How can our reputation extend so far? Because whether you’re rural or city-based, we deliver parts to your door.

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